Our Purpose
Dominion Water & Sanitation District (DWSD) serves as a wholesale provider of water, and wastewater services, encompassing a 33,000-acre service area within Norwest Douglas County, Colorado, which is considered one of the fastest-growing exurbs in the US.
DWSD was founded in 2004 with a mission to provide reliable and sustainable water supplies to its retail customers. Although districts within the service area are not req uired to use DWSD's services, the services are available as an option for both current and future retail providers.
DWSD currently serves one customer, Sterling Ranch Community Authority Board (SR CAB) which was established in 2013. Sterling Ranch is a master-planned community that prioritizes sustainability and responsible growth. While SR CAB is the main entity served by DWSD is not limited to serving SR CAB and our goal is to be a dynamic provider of to our entired service area and to adapt to our potential buildout scenarious.